Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ex Files.

J-14 magazine asked for some "real girl" responses from the interns as to "how would your ex describe you?"
I was asked this question and realized I didn't know. You know how your ex felt about you but in 4 letter words what specific words would he use.

So boggled about this question, i sent my ex a message and simply asked him. Sure it was a bit awkward, but I thought it was a great question and realized that I TOO wanted the answers. Sometimes, its helpful to know the words that describe you in relationships; i.e. selfish,crazy, nice.....

my ex responded with a beautiful response, yet not the simple words i was looking for.

awaiting on response #2!

Makes you wonder, how do all the people you've ever talked to,...what words would they use to truly describe you. Ask someone !

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