Friday, March 19, 2010

Convo Recap.

Recently i had a conversation with one of my good friends, Khalid, about women and men. It was such an enlightening topic that shed light on both of us.

His view; ( i suppose representing the overall males) is that women are such irrational beings. We act too much on our emotions and ultimately don't know what we want. Women are basically incapable of being rational, and we become so emotionally attached that it disables us from using our minds. Women force men to play a game and we constantly puts them through tests.

I laughed.

then digested this && unfortunately it is very true. We have our side too.
as a woman, yes we are irrational creatures. We love hard and sadly, easy. Men are so rational that they are incapable of matching our emotions, which is why we keep attempting to draw t out of them. The tests are to ensure us that this is a "wise investment" since at a drop of a dime women would give up everything for a man.

With all of this bickering back and fourth, we finally drew a conclusion. WE WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. men and women have to reach a common ground where we can combine both the emotions of a female and rationality of a man to balance it out for the good. Will that ever happen? probably not, but it's a good method.
Why don't we ever try? What's the problem with men giving in a little more to their emotions, and women instead of wearing our hearts on our sleeve, perhaps carry it in our back pockets instead...hmmmm , just a thought!....

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