Sunday, August 22, 2010

Inspirational kick.

Last night after I worked almost a 10 hour shift, with no urge to go out, I really just wanted to read a book. I wanted to feel inspired again!, lol. so i went to barnes and nobles. I had my ipod and browsed different inspirational, career regarding books. The first book I skimmed through was called " Think Confident, Be Confident", and it dealt with self doubt. The book elaborated on being able to tell the difference between self doubt and realistic concerns. It was intriguing!

I learned that self doubt is what inhibts you from moving ahead. Its the very thing that controls our emotions,behavior, and how we feel. It provides the very thought in your head that you can't do it, and you aren't capable, or inept, even when you have PROVEN to be. DOUBT are false thoughts! they are not accurate and at the same time make you your own enemy. Realistic concerns is more like a warning alarm that goes off in your head dealing with more realistic things that you may not be qualified or prepared to do. For example; You have taken ice skating lessons, and now think that you are qualified to ski. Something tells you that you may not be able to just approach the slopes and do it off hand. That little signal sends a realistic message that you are not prepared nor skilled to just plunge the slopes. Maybe at first it may require training. .....thats an example of realistic concerns. Self doubt tells you that you are not prepared for what's to come, which stops a lot of people from being successful.

Think about the experiences you have done, the people who have praised your character and your work, the opportunities and good things that have come, and write them down. They are seriously your protection against doubt for the simple fact that whenever you begin to doubt yourself, future, relationships, anything,... you can look back on it and know that you are MORE than prepared and ready for what is in store.

Reading that was truly eye opening, and it helped me to be more aware of self doubt and taught me that it can be turned off. Thats the thing about doubt; we can control it; it's kind of the evil within us. It's false, and its our enemy that can many times defeat us. Everyday, by being good, doing good, and working hard we are proving to ourself more and more just how amazing we are. We can't let the enemy of doubt take away all that we have worked soo hard to prove not only to ourselves, but to others.

I hope this has inspired you as much it has me.

check out the book .... "Think Confident. Be Confident"

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