Tuesday, January 13, 2009

5 Times you shouldnt text him. ( According to Cosmopolitan )

1. After your first few dates
It may be tempting to contact a guy after an amazing date, but resist the urge.
Reaching out lessens the thrill of the chase.
2. When your drunk
Since phones dont come with breathalyzers, its up to you to stop yourself from sending a tipsy message--especially one that suggests you two meet up asap. Being too available lets a guy know that he has all the leverage.
3. When you're angry
It's annoying when a guy flakes, but sending a "Why haven't you called me?!" inquiry makes you look massively insecure. Avoid angry texts once you're in a relationship too. "When it's in writing, you can't easily take it back," Kirschner says. It's even smart to ban bitchy humor, which can sound meaner than it is.
4. When you've already texted him that day.
Once you're in an ongoing relationship, you may be tempted to rely on texting as a regular form of communication, and there's nothing wrong with staying in touch that way sometimes. But electronic communication discourages phone conversations and one-on-one time. Also, guys like brief updates, not a blow-by-blow of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Why are women always thinking hypothetical. just go with the flow and everything will work out for the best. OWWW. its not a math equations its real life.


