lately i have been receiving an overwhelming amount of texts and calls from my past. Quite frankly, i'm scared.
I've never been the type of girl to indulge in people of the past. When its over, im over you...and moving on, but the randomness of it all, has me wondering...uhm WHY?
i realize that some people of my past may always be in my life. one in particular. although their are no feelings left, its comforting to know that no matter what that person still cares. That he still cherishes those times, and may secretly want them back.
I can't give them that. I can't let the people i intentionally let go of, just re enter my life... can i?
if so, what was the whoole purpose of cutting them out anyways!
I guess i'm just ultimately ready for a relationship. I am definately the "relationship" type of girl, and to have gone at least 2 years without one is slowly taking its toll. Where are the prospects?? ...I need not let boredom result to talking to these people again.
let the pastt be in the PAST.